Ligament Tear (CCL)

Cranial Cruciate Ligament repair (CCL)- This common injury leads to pain and chronic limping. When the CCL is torn or injured, the shin bone (tibia) slides forward with respect to the thigh bone (femur). Most dogs with this injury cannot walk normally and experience pain. Several surgical techniques are currently used to correct CCL rupture. If you would like a TPLO performed we can refer you to a local orthopedic specialist. At Peachtree Creek Animal Hospital we perform an extracapsular repair which is a less expensive alternative to a TPLO.

For medium and small-sized dogs, we use an extracapsular repair technique called a Swiv-lock Anchor with Arthrexx Fibertape. This type of repair generally works well for pets under about 60lbs.

For larger dogs, we use what is called a tightrope procedure. The tightrope is more intensive and produces a strong repair for pets larger than about 60lbs.

Normal activity is resumed approximately 12 weeks after surgery.

Go home instruction sheet post CCL surgery

Approximate cost- $2600

FHO surgery

Femoral head ostectomy (FHO), is an orthopedic procedure performed on dogs or cats that are experiencing pain due to an issue with the hip joint. This can be related to trauma, a congenital issue, or a disorder with the blood supply to the femur. For an FHO surgery, we use a high-speed oscillating saw to remove the femoral head and neck. Post-FHO scar tissue develops between the femur and acetabulum acting as a false joint. Pets generally do well post-FHO surgery with increased mobility and reduced pain.

Approximate cost $2000


Medial patella luxation (MPL) is a common condition in dogs, particularly small breeds. MPL is graded on a scale of 1-4 with 1 being the most minimal luxation. Generally, type 1 do not need surgical correction. Pets with MPL will often skip or hold up the affected limb and suffer from varying degrees of lameness. To correct the MPL a few procedures are performed. Generally, the soft tissues around the joint will be altered, the groove that the patella sits in will be deepened, and the patellar tendon attachment will be moved laterally for better alignment. Pins are placed in the patellar attachment to hold it in place while the site heals. The pins are generally left in post-correction though in some cases they are removed at about the 12-week mark. After an MPL procedure, exercise is restricted for 6-8 weeks to give the bone ample opportunity to heal. Physical therapy is beneficial to help rebuild muscle mass

Two weeks after surgery, your pet will have a recheck visit to remove sutures and we like to see the pet again at about the 6-week mark to ensure that everything is healing as it should

Approximate cost $2500